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I am Antoine Innocente, born in 1972, in Lecce, South of Italy. At the age of 19, I began doing theatre in Astragali, a school of physical and acrobatic theatre.

Since then I have been studying theatre, Clown, Comedia del Arte, Mime, Method Acting, in different schools in Milan, Bologna, Barcelona, Paris, Buenos Aires, with different masters. Amongst them were; Jean Meningue, Enrique Pardo, Andrè Casaca, Jango Edwards, Sandra Cavallini, Vladimir Olshansky, Carlo Boso and many others.

I’m grateful to my masters, for all they have given me, however, I don’t identify myself with their styles, because one’s own style is an extraordinary discovery.

Work experience

“Clownessi” – Screenplay and Direction by  Antoine Innocente , TACT Festival, Trieste 2015 - 2016

Guest star in the theatre festival Malerargues, Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, France, July 2016

“Swallow’s Circus” – Clowing Theatre at ANFFAS, Trieste, 2015 - 2016  - Screenplay and direction for people with Down’s Syndrome and other handicaps.

“Soul-itaire” - Screenplay and Direction by  Antoine Innocente , 2013

"Carcere casa Circondariale SantÁnna di Modena" - Workshop with a final show for  imprisioned men and their families, 2008

“Retrouvailles” show directed by Jean Méningault alias Méningue, Ass. Artemide, Orvieto, Italy, 2008

“Commedia dell’Arte”, directed by Carlo Boso, Teatrovivo, Cotignola, Italy, 2005

Teaching experience

“Course of Theatre/Clown” at CUT-Centro Universitario Teatrale, Trieste, 2015/2016

at the end of this course was realized the Show “Clownessi”

Clowning Theatre at ANFFAS, Trieste, 2015/2016 - Seminal workshops to people with Down’s Syndrome and other handycap

Intensive workshop in Theatre-Clown in association Baraonda; Nettuno, Roma, November 2016

Workshop "The Body in Movement" in Buenos Aires, March 2017.

Personal Training

The Art of Clown

Lead by Jean Meningue Paris 2004-2012, Andre´Casaca Brasil/Italy 2004-2012

Ian Algie Canada 2006-2009,
Jango Edwards and Johnny Melville, Spain 2012,

Lead by Vladimir Olshansky - Moscow Circus School/ Cirque du Soleil 2013

Choreographic theatre – voice and body

November 2011 and April 2012,

Lead by Enrique Pardo, Art Director at PANTHEATRE

Living Theatre, August 2014, Artemide Theatre at Orvieto, Italy
Lead by Chaty Marchard

School of Corporal Mime, Etienne Decroux method, September 2013.
Lead by Yves Lebreton – Art Director at “L'Albero Centro Internazionale di Formazione Ricerca e Creazione Teatrale”, Montespertoli, Firenze, Italy

Bodywork Lab.

July 1997, Associazione Culturale Kentu, Cagliari, Italy

Lead by Coco Leonardi


Enrique Pardo


6 rue de la Folie Méricourt

75001 Paris - France

33 (0)1 48 06 32 35

Theatre Director and Writer

Jean Méningue

13, passage courtois 75011 Paris – France

+39 349 64 69 154

+39 06 41 05 62 61

Producer, actor, dancer and  mime

"The Breath of the Clown" intensive course of Theatre Clown in Copenhagen, Denmark, June and July 2017.

2010 - present
2010 - present
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